About MPS Therapy

MPS Therapy – Integrative Pain Management Techniques


The Dolphin Neurostim Therapy, is a new noninvasive treatment for chronic neuro-myofascial pain and is FDA approved. Micro-current Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy are the therapeutic protocols developed for the Dolphin Neurostims. MPS is the world’s first integrative therapy developed exclusively to sympathetically DE-Regulate the ANS and fight chronic pain. The theoretical underpinnings of MPS Therapy are based on combining the “therapeutic pearls” of acupuncture, osteopathy, integrative dentistry, neural therapy with modern neurology with Dolphin micro-current.

How Does it Work?

Dolphin Neurostim locates and applies concentrated DC micro-current to therapeutically active points (acupuncture & trigger) for the purpose of relaxing muscles, calming the nervous system and releasing endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. The Dolphin is engineered to detect and treat these active points with great scientific precision & potency, providing stimulation of all three systems at once — nervous, muscular and endocrine.

MPS has been a remarkable success in the fight against chronic pain. The results are so impressive using this approach that complete or substantial relief (60-85%+) from pain
often occurs within 1-3 applications.

Most patients require 2-10 treatments for lasting outcomes, with some chronic patients requiring ongoing daily or bi-weekly applications. MPS protocols may be quickly individualized to any patient’s needs and applied within 3-20 minutes.

MPS Therapy – Scar Tissue Release


Surgery is the leading cause of adhesion's in the body, and C-sections are the number one surgery performed in the United States, with over 1.3 million performed annually in the USA alone. Adhesion's develop naturally when there is internal trauma to our bodies, such as a surgical operation. While they’re naturally occurring, they can have adverse affects on our bodies by connecting tissue that shouldn’t be connected, like organs – in fact, women who’ve had a C-section sometimes develop Small Bowel Obstruction, a condition where the intestinal tract is kinked and twisted by adhesion's. They also connect to our fascia, the web-like structure that connects all organs and tissues in our bodies from our head to our toes. When they connect to our fascia, they can distort it anywhere, pulling muscles and pinching nerves. This limits our ability to move freely, and heightens the sensitivity of the autonomic nervous system, which controls our pain.

Scars are universal; we ALL have them. They even accumulate as we age and walk through life, and can be the culprit to many pain syndromes and diseases. Scars can also occur as a result of broken bones, sprained joints, torn muscles, inflammation, or any areas of the body (and as a result, the mind) that has been injured through trauma; both physical and emotional. Scars – especially abdominal surgical scars – have a significantly negative influence on the body. Among other things, they restrict metabolism, pull on fascia, the skeletal system and internal organs, and otherwise negatively influence the body in many ways.

Abdominal adhesion's are fast becoming an epidemic in the United States. Digestive Surgery reported that 90% of patients with abdominal surgeries will develop adhesion's. Every year in the United States alone, millions of abdominal surgeries are performed, such as C-sections, appendectomies, hysterectomies, and tummy tucks, and the biggest problem is that not many women are aware of the risks that adhesion's pose until after they’ve gone under the knife.

How does it work?

Micro-current helps heal the body by gradually loosening and releases adhesion's and scar tissues. Unlike other pain management modalities, micro-point stimulation.

Normal, healthy cells, tissues and organs have a unique biochemical activity and ideal frequency that allows them to work with synchronicity. When struck with an illness or disease, these cells or tissues produce reverberating frequencies that prevent the body from communicating with each other properly. These frequencies cause a disruption in the nervous system that leads to pain experience. With Dolphin Neurostim, micro-current directed to the affected cells mimics the biochemical activity thus effectively neutralizing the disruptions. Furthermore, the electric current applied to the specific body part attracts ATPs around it thereby promoting quick healing.

The Dolphin Neurostim™ is applied to each side of visible scars, transferring gentle, DC micro-current deep into the tissue of the skin by using both positive and negative settings to re-balance the scar. When the micro-current enters our body, it helps electrically “repolarize,” or release, the thickened scar tissue, as well as release fascia and muscles impinged by the scarring. Circulation is also increased, which, in turn, helps the lymphatic system remove dead cells from the body and encourages blood flow and healing to the area. All of this helps return mobility, improve appearance, and decrease pain both at the site of the scar and anywhere else in the body that scar may be affecting. You will see immediate visible changes in the appearance of and the pliability of the scar and gradually will notice a reduction in the tightness throughout the entire body. When a scar has been released there is no longer a restriction in the flow of energy, blood circulation and lymph drainage. The body can then complete the healing process.

The duration of treatment will depend on how many traumas and scars you have accumulated throughout your life. Whether from injury or surgery, scar tissue can always been significantly improved and softened with MPS Scar/Adhesion Release Therapy. In many cases, relief can be felt with one application!



MPS therapy - leading the way in pain management. (2017, January 25). Retrieved from https://www.dolphinmps.com/mps-therapy/